About Us
Dearin & Associates is an international business consultancy.
We help companies to scale internationally.
We have deep experience in international markets across a range of sectors. Our consultants have worked in markets including the UK, US, Australia, Hong Kong, China, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Western Europe, Austria and the CIS states.
We’re known for helping clients create game-changing strategies
Our impact
We enable our clients to rapidly increase their international momentum and revenue, and amplify their impact in the international space.
Our services
Our services for mid-tier firms include international market entry, market research and modelling, cross-cultural training and consulting and strategic business connections.
In the SME space, our most popular product is the International Business Accelerator, which provides a structured pathway into international markets for small companies looking for a global footprint.
We leave our clients inspired, empowered and equipped to succeed in their target market.
Get in touch
Speak to an international business advisor
Get in touch to find out how we can help you achieve your international expansion goals.