#GoGlobal Blog

Thinking to go global? Explore our latest insights into international expansion – from company readiness, to product-market fit, international marketing, culture and more…

Justin Hadinoto

From Coffee Beans to iPads: Vietnam’s Rise as a Manufacturing & Tech Hub

Are you seeking to expand your manufacturing or tech business into Southeast Asia? Look no further than Vietnam. With its dynamic and resilient economy, Vietnam offers unparalleled opportunities characterized by its robust manufacturing capabilities, a thriving tech sector, and a wealth of government incentives. Discover why you should consider Vietnam

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Justin Hadinoto

Four Reasons to Expand Your Manufacturing Company to Indonesia

If you’re a manufacturing or technology company eyeing expansion into Southeast Asia, Indonesia offers a wealth of promising opportunities. Here are four reasons why expanding into this vibrant market could be your next strategic move: 1. Manufacturing Prowess Indonesia stands as a manufacturing powerhouse, surpassing the UK, Russia, and Mexico

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Mike Todd

10 “Must Haves” When Selecting an International Distributor

Finding your international distributor is a little like getting married.  It’s all about envisioning the future, navigating through uncertainties, and nurturing a relationship that promises growth and success.  To put it simply, you have to think long-term.  Much like finding “the one”, selecting the right distributor requires careful consideration, compatibility,

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Samuel Davies

Cultural Awareness, the Cure to Failing in Germany

Expanding overseas is an expensive task. Companies invest in logistics, lawyers, new marketing campaigns, sales strategies and the list continues. Having invested heavily, you do not want your market entry to fail. Yet, for three out of four overseas subsidiaries, failure is the reality. A core reason is that companies

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Cynthia Dearin

International Market Selection: Four Mistakes to Avoid in 2024

Scaling your venture across multiple markets is still the most effective way of increasing its value… if you get it right. But if you’ve decided to “go global”, which markets should you sell to? Here’s four international market selection mistakes to avoid as you craft your international strategy.

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The Polyglot Group

How to Choose the Right Payroll Provider in 8 Questions

Payroll plays one of the most crucial functions in your business. This department is in charge of calculating the salary, hours worked and additional costs accrued based on the relevant state or national regulations. They are a make or break factor for employees. An American study found that 49% of

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Cynthia Dearin

Getting Your International Pricing Right: 3 Keys to Success

There are a number of challenges when it comes to pricing your products for international markets. Companies making everything from air-fryers to software fail to consider how the quirks of the target international market will affect price – they just go with the same pricing strategy they use at home.

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Andrew Sharpe

How to make sure your pricing is on the money

Wondering how to get your pricing right? Read on. There are a number of aspects and best practices that you should consider when pricing your products or services and that’s what this blog is about. Here are some of the best practices that you should review and apply to any

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Monica Charlton

How to Expand & Grow Your Business Globally with an EOR

With the globe more interconnected than ever before, businesses can say goodbye to geographical boundaries – and hello to international expansion! Businesses are now looking to expand more quickly and smoothly, and are able to grow on a much larger scale. But where do you begin? How do you even

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Grant Murray

The Currency of Exporting

As a tumultuous year comes to a close, it’s time to take a look at how financial market movements have, and are indeed – affecting exporters. The Reserve Bank of Australia has steadily raised rates to 3.1% across the calendar year, in reaction to spiralling costs and inflation (7.3%). From

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Cynthia Dearin

International Expansion: Building a Global Team

Who is in your international team is just as important as choosing the right market or the right distributor. The team is the vehicle that will deliver your global vision for you – these are the folks who are going to get stuff done. Pre-COVID19, there was a lot of

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Cynthia Dearin

Navigating Foreign Rules and Regulations

Interested in expanding your business internationally? Pick up a copy of my latest book, Business Beyond Borders: Take Your Company Global. Welcome to the ‘why’, ‘what’ and ‘how’ of the regulatory challenges that come up in an international expansion. Specific regulations vary from country to country and from industry to industry

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Cynthia Dearin

Getting paid in international markets

Many companies that I speak to – both in the SME sector and at the big end of town – face challenges with getting paid on time (or at all) when they sell to customers overseas.  In the worst-case scenario, payment problems may force a company out of business in

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Cynthia Dearin

International Logistics: Seven steps to a successful shipment

Interested in expanding your business internationally? Pick up a copy of my latest book, Business Beyond Borders: Take Your Company Global. As I’ve discussed in my previous blogs on international logistics and export documentation, there’s a lot to make sure you get right when shipping products overseas. Follow this checklist

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Cynthia Dearin

International Logistics: The Low-Down for Manufacturers

Interested in expanding your business internationally? Pick up a copy of my latest book, Business Beyond Borders: Take Your Company Global. Congratulations – you have made a sale to buyers overseas. Now, how do you get the goods to your new international customer efficiently, competitively, securely, and legally? It’s time to

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Getting your export documentation right
Cynthia Dearin

International Logistics: Getting your export documentation right

Interested in expanding your business internationally? Pick up a copy of my latest book, Business Beyond Borders: Take Your Company Global. When sending goods overseas, you will need to complete a suite of ‘export documentation’ which will enable your goods to traverse international barriers and arrive safely at their destination. To

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Cynthia Dearin

International E-Commerce: When do I need to pay US Sales Tax?

You’re a small, family-owned business that manufactures consumer goods. In the last couple of years, innovative new products you’ve created plus a global e-commerce boom have prompted you to start selling internationally. So far, you’ve dipped a toe into several international markets, using e-commerce marketplaces and it’s going well, particularly

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Cynthia Dearin

Getting Started in International E-Commerce?

Interested in expanding your business internationally and learning more about international modes of market entry? Pick up a copy of my latest book, Business Beyond Borders: Take Your Company Global. If you sell consumer products and you’re keen to launch into the international space, e-commerce is a great way to

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Team Cape

How To Take Your Expense Policy Global

As your business grows, you might be thinking about tapping into new regions or markets. While there’s a lot you can do remotely, you’re likely going to need a local team on the ground to realise your vision of building a global company. Along with recruiting local team members and

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Cynthia Dearin

International Mode of Market Entry: Investment Strategies

Interested in expanding your business internationally and learning more about international modes of market entry? Pick up a copy of my latest book, Business Beyond Borders: Take Your Company Global. In my previous posts, I discussed two of the lower-risk strategies when it comes to international mode of market entry

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Cynthia Dearin

International Mode of Market Entry: Transfer Strategies

Interested in expanding your business internationally and learning more about international modes of market entry? Pick up a copy of my latest book, Business Beyond Borders: Take Your Company Global. In my last blog on international modes of market entry, I talked about trading strategies, such as exports and ecommerce.

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Cynthia Dearin

International Mode of Market Entry: Trading Strategies

Interested in expanding your business internationally and learning more about international modes of market entry? Pick up a copy of my latest book, Business Beyond Borders: Take Your Company Global. If you’ve decided to expand your business internationally and chosen a market to enter, you’ll need to decide on a

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Simon Drake

Recruitment and Building an International Team

More and more businesses are actively doing more globally, and in many ways, the borders for international trade may look easier to overcome now because we are doing more business virtually. However, when it comes to recruitment, and finding the right people – your ability and the speed at which

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Cynthia Dearin

Bridging the Cultural Divide

Interested in expanding your business internationally and learning more about culture? Pick up a copy of my latest book, Business Beyond Borders: Take Your Company Global. I know from experience that one of the key challenges that companies – small and large – face when it comes to international expansion, is

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Cynthia Dearin

International Competitor Analysis: It’s a Red Ocean Out There…

https://vimeo.com/642286388 Because ‘going global’ is such an involved process, doing competitor analysis is often overlooked. Myths abound in this space. CEOs say things like “we’re just going to focus on what we do and not get hung up on the competition” or “we’re just a small company, we don’t need

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Cynthia Dearin

Your Ideal International Client: Creating Your Client Avatar

Interested in expanding your business internationally and learning more about targeting international clients? Pick up a copy of my latest book, Business Beyond Borders: Take Your Company Global. In previous posts, we talked about two key aspects of understanding your international ideal clients: market segmentation and market research. Now it’s

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Cynthia Dearin

Your Ideal International Client: Market Research

In my previous post, I talked about the four levels of market segmentation when it comes to international marketing, and how they can be applied in different contexts. Now let’s talk about your ideal client and how you can conduct market research to understand their needs and challenges better. Your

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Cynthia Dearin

Your Ideal International Client: Market Segmentation

As your business expands overseas, you’ll want to build relationships with your ideal international clients. These are the prospects that are most in need of your services, who will get the most value from your offering. They are the most likely to buy from you, and most likely to generate

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Cynthia Dearin

Why You Need an International Strategy … even now!

As I write this post, the COVID-19 pandemic is reshaping the global business landscape and the world as we know it. For many executives, just surviving is a fight to the death and expanding internationally is the last thing on their minds. But if you’re a business leader with big

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Cynthia Dearin

Why Strategy is Key to Expanding Your Manufacturing Business Globally

Manufacturing in Australia is on the upswing. Despite the chaos that COVID19 created in 2020, the sector is bouncing back, thanks to a combination of pent-up demand, reshoring bringing some production back home and robotics driving reductions in production cost. Many manufacturing companies – including our clients – are also

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Nitij Pal

Should PACER Plus mean open skies?

Key points PACER Plus is the prospective trade and economic agreement between Australia, New Zealand and the Forum Island countries. The provision of regular, reliable and competitive transport services is crucial for the Forum Island countries. Australia and New Zealand typically maintain policies of liberalisation when it comes to aviation

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Nitij Pal

What you need to know about bribery and corruption in Australia

Bribery and corruption aren’t words that are usually associated with doing business in Australia, but several high profile cases and an international report have recently brought the issue into focus again. The most notorious of these is the case of Russell Waugh, a former senior executive of infrastructure giant Leighton

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Cynthia Dearin

Five Top Tips on Creating Trust in International Business

This week, I’ve been reading a great book by Stephen M.R. Covey (son of the author of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People) called The Speed of Trust, and this has prompted me to think about the importance of trust in international business. Too often, trust in international business is low. This

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Cynthia Dearin

International Product-Market Fit: Making sure your product will sell… before you start selling

When it comes to selling internationally, big mistakes are often made around product-market fit. When companies are intimately acquainted with the desires and expectations of their domestic customers, they sometimes get complacent. When the time comes to expand to new markets overseas, companies think they can replicate what they’ve done at home overseas and get the same result. But this just isn’t the case, as a bunch of companies have learnt the hard way.

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Cynthia Dearin

International Market Selection: Four Questions to Ask Yourself

“Because of the political, social and economic volatility that rocked the world in 2020, international market selection is more important than ever. So how do you get it right?

In a word, “research”. Choosing the right market isn’t rocket science. It takes some time and effort, but if you do your homework you’ll know that you’ve made the right decision when the time to choose comes. Here’s why.”

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Cynthia Dearin

Choosing the Right Market: International Market Entry Barriers

Interested in expanding your business internationally and learning more about international market entry barriers? Pick up a copy of my latest book, Business Beyond Borders: Take Your Company Global. In my previous posts on market selection, I’ve talked about some of the common pitfalls to avoid as you embark on the

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Cynthia Dearin

Choosing the Right Market: Final Considerations

In this series on choosing the right international market in 2021, the year of volatility, we’ve looked at common pitfalls, questions to ask, and barriers to entry. In this blog, I want to run you through the final considerations that you need to take into account before you go ahead

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Cynthia Dearin

How do I source and engage trusted international partners?

If you’re new to ‘going global’, working with a local partner can be a good way to get started. Teaming up with a business that already has feet on the ground can bring huge gains. Whereas your business probably has specialist expertise in a particular field or technology, your partner

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Cynthia Dearin

25 Things to Do During a Global Pandemic

It’s here. The global pandemic has arrived and my inbox is filled with updates about new health measures, cancelled events, and people working from home. COVID-19 has us panicked. Many people are frightened of catching the virus or losing someone close to them as a result of it. Doctors are

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Moving South of China - Doing Business in Vietnam feature-image
Mary Guirgies

Moving South of China: Doing Business in Vietnam

COVID-19 shook the world during 2020, and local and global economies took a major blow. Bilateral relationships – including the Australia-China and US-China partnerships – rode the rollercoaster, highlighting the impact of international politics on foreign investment. If you have been considering investing or establishing businesses in new markets –

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Gary Garner

Discussion on Global Economic Outlook and Investment Evaluation

The International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) World Economic Outlook was published in October 2019 and, as usual, provides a valuable back drop to international business investment decisions. One of the key observations discussed in that report is not that the emerging markets are making the most significant contribution to global growth

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Gary Garner

Thoughts On How China Works and Where Business Should Focus

I’m forming a view that there are three general strategy ‘domains’ that need to be thought about when dealing with China. These are interconnected and not unique to China but they demonstrate different facets to foreign interaction with the country. I call these the Economic Domain, the Nationalist Domain and

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Gary Garner

A Visit to the World Internet Conference

I’ve been in China to visit the 6th World Internet Conference and Exhibition (WIC) that was held at the purpose build exhibition centre in Wuzhen, Zhejiang Province. The focus this year is on AI, Internet of Things, and Cyber security. This latter topic is a hot one in the West

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Cynthia Dearin

International Pricing: How Much Should You Charge?

One of the challenges that I see companies face frequently as they start selling overseas is international pricing. As you begin pitching your product overseas, lots of people will want to know your price, so it’s important to have your pricing worked out before you approach international prospects. While many

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Cynthia Dearin

Getting it Right in Asia

The Asia-Pacific region has become the economic growth engine for the world, presenting massive potential for foreign businesses. As a group, Asian economies now represent as much as 40% of global GDP. 

This presents an exciting opportunity for Australian businesses.  But before you rush to expand your company into Asian markets, it’s important to step back and the nuances and challenges of the Asian region, so that you can get your strategy right.

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Gary Garner

Street Economics: Australia and the World

Australian politicians and government statisticians paint a picture of optimism in the first case and caution in the latter.  One can see the role of politicians to be positive and for the person in the street to carry on regardless, doing the best they can.  But, if you look at the High Street of any city or town in Australia, and other developed economies, you will see that not all is well.

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Gary Garner

Indonesia: A Serious Place to Invest

Indonesia is the third largest democracy in the world after the USA and India and is also the largest Muslim country by population.  People tend to know it more for the congestion of Jakarta and the beauty of Bali, than one of South East Asia’s (SEA) more attractive investment locations.

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Cynthia Dearin

What does the US-China trade war mean for Australia?

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’re probably aware of the US-China trade war. Over the past year, the world’s two largest economies have imposed tariffs on billions of dollars worth of one another’s goods. US President Donald Trump has long accused China of unfair trading practices and intellectual

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Gary Garner

Growing the Australian Economy

I attended the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s Business Leaders Summit at Parliament House in Canberra this week and the hot topic was how to maintain the continuing record of growth into twenty nine plus years for Australia.

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Gary Garner

Is the UK Still an Attractive Location for Business?

I am often asked by people who pick up on my English accent about the UK’s decision to leave the the European Union and what it means for the country as a continuing base for operations in that part of the world. This blog attends to political issues and then moves onto business – please bear with me!

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Gary Garner

Doing Business in Hong Kong: Why Geopolitics Matters

One of the main elements to consider when moving into overseas markets is the geopolitics that surround a territory. For the most part, this is often background noise as the time scales that make any problems manifest are often counted in multiple years rather than months. Sometimes, though, there is

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Cynthia Dearin

Why goal-setting doesn’t work!

It’s January, the month where people get momentarily excited about the year ahead. With the promise of a fresh start, most of us make new year’s resolutions: “I’m going to lose weight, exercise more, drink less, quit Facebook, go to bed on time” … you fill in the blanks! Many

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Cynthia Dearin

Why Aussie Engineering Firms Should Look Abroad

With Australia’s mining boom well and truly over and infrastructure spending at a low ebb in most Australian states, Australian engineering firms looking to the future are right to wonder where new work will come from. The good news is that because the vast majority of the world’s building and

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Cynthia Dearin

Australia – a rising fashion star in international markets?

As international retailers like H&M, Zara and Topshop continue to open up throughout Australia, there has been a lot of talk about the death of local fashion labels. But is it really true? The domestic retail market is definitely a competitive and expensive space to play. A relatively small local

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Cynthia Dearin

What I learnt from my biggest international mistake …

More than a decade ago, I made an international business mistake, which cost me dearly. I want to tell you about it. I was initially so embarrassed that I couldn’t talk about how I’d stuffed up. But with hindsight, I realise how much that mistake taught me, and I’d like

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Cynthia Dearin

Girls on top: Women-led SME’s taking on the world – #1

My team and I run the International Business Accelerator, a structured end-to-end teaching and coaching program to help micro-to-medium sized companies build and implement winning strategies for launching their business internationally. This March, we’re excited to be launching the #GirlsGoingGlobal campaign, to coincide with International Women’s Day. As part of

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Cynthia Dearin

Is the “next big thing” for your company overseas?

As an SME leader, your top priority is to grow your company. You understand that building a pipeline of work, securing recurring revenue and scaling your business depends upon identifying opportunities and being prepared to capitalise on them. What you may not have realised is that the “next big thing”

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Cynthia Dearin

Is your business fixated on the slow-dripping tap?

I was recently in a café with my partner waiting for a couple of coffees. I walked to a nearby counter to pour us each a glass of water from a pair of water dispensers. One of the dispensers was taking forever. Although it was fuller than the other and

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Cynthia Dearin

So… What’s Stopping You From “Going Global”?

Is your company successful at home? Do you believe it could do ten times better if you expanded internationally? I know a lot of businesses and owners in that category. They’re doing quite well in their local market and they’re like “it would so cool to expand to Singapore …

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Cynthia Dearin

Going Global​: 3 Traps for New Players

Planning to expand a business overseas is an exhilarating prospect, but the road to success is littered with failures. While it’s easy to imagine your company with offices around the globe, leading the world in your particular sector, the reality is far more gruelling. All the more so for small

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Cynthia Dearin

Overwhelmed by Your International Expansion?

As I work with business owners and executives who are expanding their companies internationally, I’ve found that most of them deal with similar challenges as the project ramps up: Competing priorities – with an international business starting to grow alongside the domestic one, there are suddenly lots more things to

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