#GoGlobal Blog

Thinking to go global? Explore our latest insights into international expansion – from company readiness, to product-market fit, international marketing, culture and more…

Cynthia Dearin

Going Global​: 3 Traps for New Players

Planning to expand a business overseas is an exhilarating prospect, but the road to success is littered with failures. While it’s easy to imagine your company with offices around the globe, leading the world in your particular sector, the reality is far more gruelling. All the more so for small

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Cynthia Dearin

Overwhelmed by Your International Expansion?

As I work with business owners and executives who are expanding their companies internationally, I’ve found that most of them deal with similar challenges as the project ramps up: Competing priorities – with an international business starting to grow alongside the domestic one, there are suddenly lots more things to

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Cynthia Dearin

Why Expanding Into International Markets Is Not a Crazy Idea (Part 1)

Is the World Really Your Oyster? Stock market volatility, plummeting oil prices, China’s economy in crisis. The international stage is a pretty scary place these days, and businesses frequently perceive international markets as faraway, risky and full of unknowns. Why expand internationally? It’s not just that international markets are foreign

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Cynthia Dearin

Cynthia Dearin interviews Melinda Richards about SuperSprout

Cynthia Dearin, Managing Director of Dearin & Associates, interviews Melinda Richards about going global with her company SuperSprout, which delivers a 100% pure, real, non-GMO fruit and vegetable powders with no additives, preservatives or artificial colours. Melinda started her own business after 21 years in the corporate world. She was

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Cynthia Dearin

Cynthia Dearin interviews Aaron Gilchrist about Bridge to Life

Cynthia Dearin, Managing Director of Dearin & Associates, interviews Aaron Gilchrist, one of the original partners of Bridge to Life Pty Ltd. Aaron grew his company from a tiny two-man operation in the US to an international company operating in 50 markets around the world. Bridge to Life is working

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Cynthia Dearin

Are Rockstars Risk-Takers?

Have you ever looked at another business that does the same thing as yours but has clients all around the world and felt just a tiny bit jealous? Why are some companies international rockstars while others are plodding along, just getting by with clients in one city or one state?

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Cynthia Dearin

Tunisia: Going from strength to strength

If the African north coast is an arch, then Tunisia could be its key stone. This country of 11 million people sits almost in the centre of the arch and is almost the right shape for a key stone. The country uses its geographic position to offer itself as a

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Jemima Snow

Doing Business in South-East Asia: Interview with Michael Lee

With a population of 625 million people, South-East Asia offers some enormous export markets for your company’s goods or services. That’s roughly 25 times the size of Australia! But why is South-East Asia really so important? Which countries should you consider? How do you get started and ensure that you

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Cynthia Dearin

Going Global? Don’t start without reading this…

You’ve just received an email from a department store in China, requesting a meeting to talk about purchasing a shipment of the fantastically snazzy new shoes that your start-up company released last quarter. You’ve only ever traded in your home market before, but as you contemplate jumping online and booking

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Jemima Snow

Is it really possible to “Go Global” as a really small business?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvIlF_RFYXw In a recent event, organized by Dearin & Associates in collaboration with OFX and the Australian British Chamber of Commerce, Cynthia Dearin discussed the global potential of SMEs. Most SMEs believe that “Going Global” is very difficult, but in reality it’s easier than you think. There are many examples

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Cathrine Hansen

Fun Facts About Starting A Business In Singapore

When our intern Cathrine Hansen went to Singapore, she explored the options of starting a business in Singapore. She found some interesting facts about doing business and starting a business in Singapore and shared it with us. Did you know that Singapore ranks 2nd worldwide in ease of doing business?

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Cynthia Dearin

The rise and rise of RecruitLoop

What does it take to grow your small company from a start-up to a global success story in six years? Our Managing Director, Cynthia Dearin interviewed RecruitLoop Founder, Paul Slezak, to find out. Paul and his co-founder, Michael Overell started RecruitLoop in Sydney, Australia in 2011, from a co-working space.

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Cynthia Dearin

3 Great Ways to Take Your Company Overseas

If you’re part of a small or medium-sized company (SME) which is looking to grow, the thought of expanding your business overseas might excite you. Or terrify you. Or both. Either way, when you consider the time, resources and energy involved in launching a new venture in a new country,

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Michael Barron

Want to sell overseas? More transparency please

Fancy a pint of Guinness to drink? The dark Irish beer is available across the world. So almost any country you travel to on business, you can find a bar selling a pint of the black stuff. This is because Guinness is no longer a family owned brand but part

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Chris Zaki

Colombia: An Economic Miracle

To most people Colombia continues to be an unknown quantity, a country which has done its violent image few favours in the past. However the country’s well publicised peace process and move to end a stubborn insurgency against FARC rebels has dominated the media and optimism has surrounded the country’s

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Michael Barron

The UAE: No Longer a Cultural Desert

On a recent visit to Abu Dhabi and Dubai, I was surprised by the opportunities in the cultural and creative industries. I watched my first Abu Dhabi-made film and heard talk about the imminent opening of the Etihad Museum in Dubai and the Louvre in Abu Dhabi. The Guggenheim is

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Michael Barron

Qatar: Gateway to the Gulf?

At first glance, Qatar is not the obvious choice as a gateway into Iran. Dubai is often cited as the entry point on the Arabian side of the Gulf and indeed has long acted as a trading hub for Iran. However, Qatar is emerging as a regional business centre in

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Niels Strazdins

Rejuvenation in Argentina

With confidence seeping out of China and despair deepening in Brazil, Argentina isquickly emerging as one of the brightest spots among the world’s larger emerging markets. Rejuvenation is the name of the game in Latin America’s third largest economy, as newly-elected President Mauricio Macri is quickly reversing a decade-plus of

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Cynthia Dearin

Seven Mistakes Guaranteed to Wreck Your Perfect Pitch Deck

Raising money from investors for a startup (or a going concern) is always a challenge – even if you’re an experienced founder. Sourcing capital involves selling ideas, convincing would-be backers that you have the capacity to execute your ideas and knowing your numbers – in short it requires a great

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Cynthia Dearin

The Middle East Needs Australia’s Food – Four Things You Should Know

For Australian food exporters looking to expand internationally, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region is a lucrative, high-income and high-value food export market that is growing exponentially in size, variety and revenue. Australia conducts around AUD$4 billion in food and agricultural trade with the GCC states each year, but there’s

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